Moodle Integration Guide

Guide for Admins

Key Points:

  • Approximate setup time is 10 minutes
  • Once Admin integrates with Rumi with Moodle, all Instructors will have access to Rumi.
  • To use Rumi with Moodle, classes and assignments must be created in Moodle, not Rumi.
  • This is a single-sign on integration, you should not register new accounts on Rumi.

Step 1. Click on “Site administration” (Top Menu Bar) → Choose “Plugins” from the tabs‍‍

Click on "Site administration"
Choose "Plugins"

Step 2. Go to “External Tool”“Manage Tools”

Click on "Manage tools"

Step 3. Click on "Configure a tool manually" and enter the following information in the form:

Click on "configure a tool manually"
  • Tool Name: Rumi Docs
  • Tool URL:‍
  • Tool Description: Create Rumi Assignment
  • LTI Version: LTI 1.3
  • Public Key Type: keyset URL
  • Public Keyset:‍
  • Initiate Login URL:‍‍
  • Redirection URI(s):‍
  • Tool configuration usage: “Show as preconfigured Tool when adding an external tool”
  • Default Launch container: Embed, without blocks
  • Choose the Categories you want to enable the tool for
  • Make the following selections under Services:
    • IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services: Use this service for grade sync and column management
    • IMS LTI Names and Role Provisioning: Do not use this service
    • Tool Settings: Do not use this service
  • Make the following selections under Privacy:
    • Share launcher's name with tool: Always
    • Share launcher's email with tool: Always
    • Accept grades from the tool: Always

Click on Save changes

Step 4. Share the following with Rumi (send to

  • Platform ID
  • Client ID
  • Deployment ID
  • Public keyset URL
  • Access token URL
  • Authentication request URL

Now follow the Guide for Instructor to add Rumi to an assignment

Guide for Instructors

Key Points:

  • Approximate setup time 5 minutes
  • Your Admin must have already integrated Rumi into Moodle
  • To integrate with Moodle, classes and assignments must be created in Moodle, not Rumi.
  • This is a single-sign on integration, you should not register new accounts on Rumi.

Step 1. Select the course you want to add the Rumi assignment for then Click on “More” and Select “LTI External tools”

Click on "More" and Select "LTI External tools"

Step 2. Toggle/Enable “Show in activity chooser” for Rumi Docs‍

Enable "Rumi Docs"

Step 3. Go to Course Tab and Enable “Edit mode” (Top right switch)‍‍

Enable "Edit mode"

Step 4. Click “Add an activity or resource” under the topic you want to add Rumi Docs for

Click "Add an activity or resource"

Step 5. Search for “Rumi Docs” in the list and choose it‍

Step 6. Fill out the activity form and Click “Save and display”